Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!
I LOVE shoes! They’re not just an accessory, but an intricate part of any ensemble . . . and if you pick the right pair they ARE the ensemble. So, when I found out about the film Manolo: The Boy Who Made Shoes for Lizards, I knew that I would be in attendance to find out more about one of my favorite shoe designers, and really the pinnacle of shoes.
Manolo: The Boy Who Made Shoes for Lizards begins by telling us about how Manolo would catch lizards and make them shoes from the foil that wraps around chocolates. Now, this to me is one of the most important parts of the documentary and the most telling. When teaching my English class or talking to students as a mentor, I always tell them that they have something that is theirs; something that they love and something they are good at. You may or may not know immediately what it is, and it may not even be developed until later in life, but if you play it right it comes to fruition. And, this is what happened for Manolo.
The film continues on telling us about Manolo’s growth as a person and shoe designer, with thoughts from a wide range of celebrities from the legendary Anna Wintour to the Queen Naomi Campbell and my Pisces twin Rihanna. We also hear much from the perspective of one of my favorite people, Andre Leon Talley. Short story, I remember as a child watching an interview in which the venerable A.L.T spoke of a woman wearing jeans and a turtleneck. He said this ensemble was brilliant! Jeans and a turtleneck have been a staple of my wardrobe since then, preferably cashmere and in an array of colors!
Now, back to Manolo! We learn a bit about his process and how he goes into the factory and makes the prototype of the shoe himself, showing a man that is not only a designer, but a visionary.
What I really loved learning about Manolo is how fun he is, and in a way in tune to who he is and who he isn’t. And he doesn’t force himself beyond that. It speaks volumes about who he is and being rooted in himself fully as a person, and most importantly being happy with who he is.
The film also gives us glimpses at some of his most beautiful creations and how he is cemented in fashion, pop culture, and the world as an icon. With a career spanning over 45 years, numerous awards and honors, Manolo is more than a creator of shoes, but someone that transforms women. Giving them a boost just when they need it, sometimes all in just 4 inches.
Manolo Blahnik. Courtesy of Music Box Films